September 2014

How much is your brand worth?
Published September 8, 2014
How much is your brand worth? This is a pertinent question for most any company, but the answer is hard to pinpoint. Your brand represents your company values, it’s who you are and customers make immediate connections with your company depending on how it has been branded. But can the true value of a brand actually be defined? This question is posed in a recent article for the Economist. The … Read more »

Why the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge campaign was a success
Published September 5, 2014
Unless you’ve been on a social-media fast or living under a rock for the last several weeks, chances are that you’ve heard of or even participated in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. The challenge, which is a viral marketing campaign to raise awareness and generate donations for the disease, has become wildly popular, with everyone from your next-door neighbor to tech titans like Bill Gates … Read more »

Why you must use multiple channels for your campaigns
Published September 3, 2014
Technology has made it possible for the people using it to attain instant gratification. Whether it’s instantly responding to a communication from a friend or making a purchase with just the click of a button online, consumers have grown accustomed to getting what they want, fast. As such, the speed of a transaction has become an expectation, as has the idea that consumers can perform such tasks … Read more »

Using automated marketing software to engage your target audience
Published September 2, 2014
If you’ve already been using automated marketing software, you know the benefits it can bring. Brands have the opportunity to reach out to consumers across a multitude of channels, and with the help of software they are able to deliver personalized campaigns to a wide audience. Despite the obvious benefits of automation, you will want to make sure you are using the software correctly as you go … Read more »