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Brand Positioning is more important than ever

Published April 23, 2014 at 6:31 am

Branding is about storytelling, and the way that your brand is positioned will strongly impact your consumer relationships. Marketers looking to build strong consumer relationships will give careful consideration when positioning a brand.

An article in Adweek raised the interesting point that brands used to position themselves in the role of the hero, but as times and attitudes have changed, brands have had to make adjustments to their storytelling and positioning to put the consumer in that position instead.

This is because, according to Adweek, consumers have become more resourceful and have higher expectations of brands than they used to. The brand should be in the role of the mentor and not seek to control, but instead, foster customer engagement and participation. Brands looking to be effective in this way must go beyond merely telling stories, and find ways to be involved with the story the consumer is living. This way, the brand becomes a part of the hero’s story.

These kinds of considerations are important to take into account when planning your branding strategy. There are many ways to go about positioning your brand that go beyond making a promise, and instead encompass a larger purpose for consumers to connect with.

People are more likely to be drawn to brands that provide some kind of meaning. As you work on your branding strategy, think about who your customer is and what you want your brand to mean to them. Learning as much as you possibly can about the audience you are trying to reach and connect with will go a long way when determining how you want to position your brand in order to build strong and lasting relationships with consumers.

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