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Quality Wins Over Quantity

Published June 6, 2014 at 6:45 am

Adsoft_direct_local_marketing_automation_qualityEvery marketer wants to make sure the efforts of their campaigns are as effective as possible. The ability to reach a target audience is a factor in this equation, and for many marketers who work on social media campaigns, the ability to drive results organically is a goal.

It is commonly known that Facebook’s organic reach has been on the decline. However, this isn’t necessarily bad news for marketers using this platform. Although it is preferable to not have to pay for a Facebook ad, for some, doing so can help grow your target audience.

Research by Adage revealed results that may be of particular interest. When analyzing Facebook’s new change, it was found that “Facebook’s adjusted algorithm is showing content to a smaller number of people, but a higher percentage of those people are more interested in that content.”

For some, one of the goals in using a platform like Facebook is to acquire as many fans as possible. After all, doing so would help get messaging out to a wider audience. However, as Adage importantly notes, targeting the right audience, not just the biggest audience, is the key to success.

This point is worth noting, because the more engaging content is, the more likely it is to hold the attention of your target audience. As the article notes, there should be an emphasis on quality. Even if an advertisement is being exposed to a wide audience, if that audience isn’t engaged with the content, the efforts may not be as effective.

More is not always better, unless everyone is engaged. When planning any campaign, the focus should be on reaching the right audience at the right time with the message and content that is most relevant to them. This way, marketers can focus on quality over quantity and increase the effectiveness of their efforts.

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