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The impact of visual storytelling

Published June 18, 2014 at 6:43 am

Adsoft_direct_local_marketing_automation_visualstorytellingWe’ve often discussed the powerful impact an image can have. Photo sites like Instagram have made it possible for marketers to leverage this power. Images present an opportunity for marketers to create branding that tells stories in a visual way. When executed effectively, these campaigns can have a big impact.

Recently we discussed how the human brain is actually wired to crave storytelling. As it turns out, brands that post pictures to social media are more likely to receive engagement. In fact, according to Adweek, more than 40 percent of social media users will engage with a brand when a photo is involved.

With this in mind, brands can take advantage of the ability to tell their stories through pictures to foster greater audience engagement. However, there are measures that can be taken to ensure photo campaigns are effective.

Adweek detailed specific principles of visual storytelling that will be helpful to marketers seeking to use this medium. For example, when telling a story visually, including an archetype can help foster a connection with the audience by relating the content to overarching stories that shape our culture.

In addition to incorporating archetypes, a compelling visual campaign may touch on relevant and current topics that affect society to help create a connection. Appealing to the senses is another way that brands can use visuals to connect.

Although these ideas may have worked for some, not every brand will benefit from the same methods. With visual content there are many possibilities, and marketers should carefully consider what works best. Regardless of how it’s accomplished, the ability to create a strong emotional connection between brand and audience is what sets a great campaign apart from an average one.

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